What Can I Do?
We are hearing the question, "What can I do?" a lot these days as immigration rules change often and make life very difficult for those directly affected by the changing landscape. Once again, here in LaGrange, Georgia, we are incarnated into the lives of people directly affected through the households on our street as well as through our work with El Refugio that assists immigrant detainees. We've heard a lot of shouting and anger from both sides of 'the issue,' but when you know the people, it is no longer just 'an issue.' It is the mother who wants to learn English, but has no time or energy to do so after working 50 hours a week and caring for her family of six on a minimum-wage income. It is the man who gets pulled over for a broken tail light and because his skin is brown. His name gets run through the system and he now faces deportation. (Who of us reading this fears that one minor infraction could mark the end of our family life?) It is the chi...